Dr. Celina Joy, Dr. Betty Sibil and Dr. Sreedharan were the moderators of the International Conference on “Innovation in Management and Social Sciences” held on Monday, 24th February, 2020 at Dr. K. M. Vasudevan Pillai Campus.Read More
Date: 18th February, 2020 Venue: Auditorium Objective of the Event: Celebrating our differences, as well as our common interests, helps unite and educate us. Cultural fest is an annual cultural event organized by the Student’s Event Committee at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research. It includes music, dance, skit, mono act, fashion show and...Read More
Objective: To sensitize the faculty / students about patenting of their research output and also make them aware of what can be patented and what cannot be patented. To create awareness of the patent filing procedures Resource persons: Dr. N. K. Mohanty, Joint Controller of Patents, Patent Office, Mumbai Mr. Suneet Sabale, Founder & CEO,...Read More
Event Name: Class Room Decoration 2019-2020 Date: 14th February, 2020 Venue: Respective class rooms of MMS – first year and MMS – second year Objective of the Event: To create a whole new world for students and to stimulate their imaginations. Time: 1:00 p.m. No. of the classrooms: 7 Judges: Director, Registrar and faculty members....Read More
Event Name: Sports meet Event Date: 10th – 12th February, 2020 Objective: To encourage students to participate in sports on a regular basis and develop a healthy and active lifestyle Venue: Outdoors and indoor Student’s event committee at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organized KHELO PBS KHELO – sports meet from 10th –...Read More
Date: 8th February, 2020 Venue: Pillai Campus Sing it solo, sing it loud, ease your vocals and freeze the crowd. Set the tone by practising your pitch, clear your vocal chords and start to sing. No. of participants: For solo singing – 1 For signing – 2 or more Rules: Time limit for each performance:...Read More
Date: 25th January, 2020 Venue: QUAD UBER RANG held in association with Times of India. Uber Rang is an inter MES institution fundraiser talent competition to promote the activities associated with Community Service day conducted every year by the Pillai Group of Institutions. Every year, after the observance of Community Service Day in the morning,...Read More
Date: 18th January, 2020 Venue: Auditorium It’s a day that everyone looks forward to in all colleges. Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research celebrated the Traditional Day to promote “Unity in diversity “which is based on the concept where the individual or social differences in physical attributes, skin color, castes, creed, cultural and religious...Read More
The Alumni Outreach Committee (AOC) organised a Guest Lecture by Mr. Kartik Annamalai, Assistant Vice President, Axis Bank, on “Digital Banking Trends in India” on 18th January, 2020. Mr. Annamalai was able to clearly put across the message of the transformation that digitalization has brought to the banking industry. With the help of recent and...Read More
The Women Development Cell at Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research organised a Seminar on “Prevention of Sexual Harassment at the Workplace (POSH)” on Saturday, 18th January, 2020 in the Auditorium. The key speaker for the seminar was Advocate Meenakshi Gopalakrishnan. Ms. Meenakshi is a practicing lawyer. Through her talk she was able to...Read More