Hiring the right person, at the right time, for the right job is very important for every organization. It’s the people who bring an organization to life. Two organizations may have the same resources, but one resource that is always unique is the human resource. It is the expertise of HR managers and recruiters who bring in the best employees any company can have. To familiarize students with the requirement and selection process, the sixth session of “Corporate Readiness and Career Pathways” (CRCP) for MMS(HR) students of Pillai Institute of Management Studies and Research was conducted on “Learning the ropes – Talent Acquisition Operations” on 18th October, 2020. It was a pleasure to have our Speaker for the day Ms. Sarika S. expand more on the subject of selection and recruitment. The nitty-gritty of the entire recruitment process was demonstrated to the students. She highlighted the various tools and formats used in the process. With this session students learnt about the practical approaches in the Talent acquisition activities. The session was moderated by Ms. Nityalee Kale and Ms. Sanjana Kachare, members of the CRCP Student Committee.